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S 4502-Y. S 5502-Y. S 6502-Y. S 7502-Y. S 8502-Y. S 0502-R. S 1002-R. S 1502 -R. S 2502-R. S 3502-R. S 4502-R. S 5502-R. S 6502-R. S 7502-R. S 8502-R.

T1007 NCS S 7502-Y. S 1502-G50Y S 0502-Y. S 1002-Y. S 1502-Y. S 2502-Y. S 3502-Y. S 4502-Y.

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NCS 7502-Y. 5407/24. NCS 8500-N. 15/1. NCS 2010-Y10R.

S 7502-Y.

Natural Color System / NCS S 7502-Y / #46403b 헥스 색상 코드. 16진 색상 코드 #46403b 오렌지색의 약간 어두운 색조입니다. RGB 색상 모델에서는 #46403b 다음과 같이 이루어져있습니다: 27.45% 빨강, 25.1% 녹색 및 23.14% 파랑.

The minimum order quantity for this fast track small batch powder service is 20kg, reducing unnecessary waste and costs. De kleur S 7502-Y behoort tot een kleurenwaaier van Sigma Coatings maar wij kunnen deze kleur ook mengen in andere verf merken.

S 7502 y

Image of NCS S 7502-Y shade. Download free NCS S 7502-Y color images in High Definition (2004 x 1126px).


S 7502 y

Pluto (508). S 131. S 8000-N. Deep Black (602).
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S 7502 y

LRV 64.1 NCS S 7502-B. LRV 10.3. 24 jan 2019 Jess.

Tänk på  S 7502-Y.
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NCS S0502-Y. Brown 3921. NCS S6020-Y70R. Grey 3922. NCS S3502-Y. Black 3923. NCS S8505-R80B NCS S7502-B. NCS S2502-Y. NCS S0603-G40Y.

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L* a* b*, RGB and HLC Values for S 7502-Y from the NCS 1950 colour range Choose Range: Choose colour range RAL Classic RAL Design RAL Effect British Standards 4800/5252 BS 381 C BS 2660 BS 5252 Other BS colours Pantone ® Coated Pantone ® Uncoated ASTM F934 fencing DIN 6164 NCS 1950 Australian Standard Dulux ® Trade Farrow and Ball Little

NCS 8500-N. 15/1. NCS 2010-Y10R. S 7005-G80Y 3,9 S 7005-R80B 1,4 S 8005-B20G 3,4 S 8502-B 1,1 S 7502-Y 2,0 S 5005-G50Y 1,8 S 7502-B 2,2 S 8005-B20G 4,5 S 4502-Y 1,0 S 6005-B20G  NCS S 7502-Y. NCS S 7005-B20G.